北​山​湖​紀​事​本​末 Bei Shan Hu Story

by 共犯結構 Accomplices

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序 Intro 01:30
初生之犢不畏虎 Aspiring cubs fear no tiger
汙濁的氣息充斥城市街頭 規矩和教條 還有那些無聊的理由 日復一日的生活 還剩下些甚麼 複製的畫面 我想掙脫那牢籠 嘔吐在巷子口 夜裡出沒的小狗 他情緒激動 他什麼都沒有 倒在地上一動不動 找不到沸騰的出口 複製的畫面 我想衝破那牢籠 奪回 我們的 躁動 我們的 屬於 我們的 一席之地 拿起在身邊的工具前進 吹起了混亂的號角響起 拿起工具 號角響起 我們不再坐以待斃 奪回大旗 躁動群起 屬於我們的一席之地 Impure smell everywhere on the city's streets Rules and doctrines and all the reasons not to cheer Day by day this life is left with less and less Frame by frame it's all the same, I wanna break away from the cage Throwing up in the back alley like a daylight-evading canine Losing control over the only emptiness he still owns On his back, on the ground, like boiling steam without any vent Frame by frame it's all the same, I wanna break free from the cage Take back! It's ours Rise up! It's ours What we deserve! It's ours Here we make a stand Bring along whatever tools beside you Blow the horns of chaos for starters Pick up the tools and sound off the horns We will no longer put up with it and do nothing Capture the flag and group together our angst We claim it back and make a stand
流亡政權國民黨 送我一個大中華 光復台灣鞭炮響 炸了思想興中華 街頭霸主民進黨 送我台獨大喇叭 吹了一曲勞工頌 女王還是一動也不動 資本主義乃兩黨所宗 民主自救的夢 凌駕在島中 藍天綠地 扒皮啃骨的獸 不見青天白日 只剩滿地紅 中華民國同胞注意 全體至集中場集合 全體肅立 暨國父遺像行三鞠躬禮 一鞠躬 再鞠躬 三鞠躬 全體鞠躬 披上國旗 國家為你送終 Fuck you all 國旗在飄揚 我們在遊蕩 政客在廝殺 我們在迷惘 國旗在飄揚 我們在遊蕩 這裡沒有希望但你會賭上一把 國旗在飄揚 我們在遊蕩 政客在廝殺 我們在迷惘 蓄勢待發 從滿地紅下 造反吧 造反吧 Kuomintang, defeated and on the run Still forcing it upon me in the name of Greater China What celebrated the reclamation Was what demolished free thoughts for the nation Democratic Progressive, they love to take credit for people's parades Preaching independence but putting nothing into practice Where they sang for the working people Was where the queen made a pass at the rich Two good parties, two for capitalism Autonomy, democracy, only in islanders' dreams blue and green reigns in turn and cannibalizes us all The flag used to have three colors and now it's all in red My fellow countrymen of the republic Get together in the assembly field Attention Salute by three bows to the father of the republic Take a bow, and another, and another Take a bow you all We'll cover you with the flags and send you off to die Fuck you all The flag is flying and we are wandering and politicians are butchering and we are wondering The flag is flying and we are wandering and since there is no hope you're going to place a wager The flag is flying and we are wandering and politicians are butchering and we are wondering Be prepare, get ready, lay low under the flag Until it's time to defy
東方的高樓林立 街頭的無賴橫行 無法無天 但不會無病呻吟 發酵 的酒精溢出 蓋掉 銅臭的氣息 笨蛋們橋下聚集 檳榔汁啊 吐得滿地 滿腹經綸 Oi 但今天不講道理 滿肚子幹 Oi Oi 要來掀文化的浪 世界版圖的縫隙 城市邊緣的戰鬥 不同的輪廓 高舉一樣的拳頭 東亞 串聯 東方的黑煙躥起 右邊的白痴驚醒 腦子沒有燒壞 要讓烽火遍地 失控 的噪音激出 蓋掉 警示的鳴笛 左手的煙蒂 彈向 那維護秩序的菁英 危險 東亞串聯 危險 東亞大笨蛋 Among the towering buildings in the east, we are the rulebreakers on the street Without a cause and without any care but we never mourn and give up Fermenting alcohol and sweat will engulf the smell of greedy greens We Stupids gather under the bridge, spitting beetlenut juice for fun and blessings The more we know (Oi) the less we lecture today The more we fucking hate it (Oi Oi) the stronger would be our anti-cultural waves Right inside the seam between the borders of countries and much beyond the outer rim of urban safety we fight on Faces doesn't look the same but our fists are all up in the air Fume and smoke ascending in the east has woken up the right-wing pigs And we didn't lose our minds for saying it's a war worldwide Uncontrollable noises are launched against the riot police sirens Strike a left hand finger to toss the cigarette butt to the privileged enforcing order East Asia, let's organize! It's dangerous when East Asia organizes It's dangerous when the East Asian Stupids arises
衛福部 來數錢 菸品健康福利捐 三百億 來分配 官員吃喝拉撒睡 抽一根 他媽貴 省吃儉用湊點錢 抽菸變貴 官員吸血 你們分配 我們吐血 Eh Eh Eh Oi Oi 健康捐 捐給 偉大的健康 捐到哪 我們從來沒看見 健康捐 榨乾血汗錢 捐給誰 有去也無回 飯後菸 昂貴似神仙 我們的錢我們的菸我們的肺都捐給了 健 康 捐 Ministry of Health, celebrating bigger budget, from the newly legalized Health Surcharge of Tobacco Products Thirty billion dollars, whatever the purposes, making life even easier for government officials But one cigarette for me has become so expensive that I have to skip meals to save up for it We smokers better be rich, for the taxman acts like a leech You people re-distribute wealth, but never really do anything for our health Eh Eh Eh OI OI Health Surcharge, charges you for no one's welfare Public expenditures with undisclosed justifications Health Surcharge, charges you out of a already pitiful wage Beneficial to those we never know or never actually exist After-meal cigarettes have become a luxury We made the money we bought the cigarettes we used the lungs but now they all belong to Health Surcharge
蓋上黑幕 當了判官 抓準風向 給予制裁 鳴鼓申冤不用管 街頭巷尾說了算 一點都不奇怪 全部都不奇怪 要你道歉要你檢討要你認錯對 說了再多關你屁事你他媽是誰 要你道歉要你檢討要你認錯對 說了再多關你屁事 判官 你他媽等著 他說話從來不用負責 黑幕蓋著你能奈他何 令牌專打落水狗 正義扣上更輕鬆 名正言順做 殺人不嫌多 快跑 你快跑 黑幕燒掉你會無處可逃 快跑 你快跑 給你十秒我們隨後跟到 快跑 你快跑 黑幕燒掉你會無處可逃 快跑 你快跑 欸 時間到 燒掉黑幕燒掉令牌燒掉正義殺判官 燒掉黑幕燒掉令牌燒掉正義殺死判官 Hide your names and hide your faces and dub yourselves judges now Criminalize the guiltless to satisfy the audience now Listen not to the innocent appeals, for laymen's wild guess must be true Is there anything wrong? There's nothing wrong here So make them sorry, make them remorseful, make things their own fault Guess some more and blame some more, and don't recall who you are So make them sorry, make them remorseful, make things their own fault Guess some more and blame some more, for your own day of reckoning is upcoming too Those who never held accountable for what they have said Are those living under the cover of nicknames and masks Bullying the most unpopular ones and calling it instant justice It's the right thing even though more and more suspects become victims Run now you better run now, without your cover there's nowhere to hide Run now you better run now, for we are only ten seconds behind you Run now you better run now, without your cover there's nowhere to hide Run now you better run now, for your day of reckoning is here and now Burn the cover, burn the baton, end the lynch and end the judges Burn the cover, burn the baton, end the lynch and finish the judges
榴彈在手 集體爆破 退無可退的她步伐失控 子彈穿過 時間洪流 戰爭的孤兒他躲進壕洞 浪潮的聲音拍打在 和平的海島 Okinawa 基地籠罩的陰影在 自由的海島 Okinawa 班駁的岩石座落在 和平的海島 Okinawa 帝國籠罩的陰影在 自由的海島 Okinawa 反對 反對 反對 美軍基地 反對 反對 反對 帝國主義 反對 反對 反對 美軍基地 反對的怒火持續 堅定 吶喊不息 白髮的船長已歸來 撞開浮球 衝破最後防線 同志的小船已歸來 擋下子彈 衝破最後防線 和平的愛人已歸來 和平的海島 Okinawa 自由的愛人已歸來 自由的海島 Okinawa Grenade in the hand, massive explosion looming near She stumbled over the suicidal order with nowhere to escape Bullets flew through the turbulence of time Orphaned by the war he faded away into the caves Sea waves bellowing, striking on the beach of The peace-seeking island of Okinawa Military bases growing, swallowing the good land of The freedom-loving island of Okinawa Rocks and ledges standing, forming the body of The peace-seeking island of Okinawa Empire expanding, casting shadow on the future of The freedom-loving island of Okinawa Resist resist resist U.S. military bases Resist resist resist imperialist causes Resist resist resist U.S. military bases May this resistance rage on and shout out forever till good people win Look, the grey-haired captain has returned from the sea He broke through the buoys and drove beyond invaders' bulwark Look, the comrade skiff has returned from the sea She withstood the bullets and drove beyond invaders' bulwark And the peaceful lover has returned to the arms of The peace-seeking island of Okinawa And the liberated lover has returned to the arms of The freedom-loving island of Okinawa
劊子手層層剝削 拚死工作換一身罪 遠走他鄉掙點錢 勞動佔據他的一切 都市人滿臉偽善 膚色讓他心煩意亂 香水味撲鼻而來 鄙視的眼神和反感 文明城市 不平等的汗水和果實 友善城市 一手握手一手拿刀子 異鄉的人 他想不透 壓榨的陽光亮起還是得 死命的做 一切低成本 殺死異鄉人 一個鄙視眼神 殺死異鄉人 理智線就要斷裂 喘不過氣無從改變 鋌而走險為明天 逃離無止境的剝削 公權力至高無上 九顆子彈貫穿希望 終究回不去的家 異鄉人他客死異鄉 滿懷希望踏入海市蜃樓 滿身血汗侍奉朱門酒肉 文明城市 殺死異鄉人 友善城市 殺死異鄉人 Exploited by brokers and their clients too Worked himself to death but still took all the blame Far away in strange land to make some money Only to find there's nothing left other than labor Downtown hypocrites never looked him in the eye Constantly judged by complexion it was making him mad Stinking fragrance all around him Being looked down upon but never knew why Civilized cities with inequitable treatments and payments Friendly cities shaking people's hands and then stabbing their backs The working outlander thought about it but never got to know How come there was so much hard work after every daybreak Lower the cost, lower the cost, and kill migrant workers Despise this man, despise this man, and kill migrant workers On the verge of total breakdown Couldn't take a break and couldn't push for any change So he took the chance and risked it for the future Running away from endless abuse Yet the law enforcer couldn't be questioned or stopped Nine bullets were fired to kill the law-abiding scum Homeland had been so far away until he lost his life The working outlander gave his life to the country that never knew him There was high hope for the wage he could have made in fanciful cities Tossed and turned in blood and sweat to provide service for those on top Civilized cities kill migrant workers Friendly cities kill migrant workers
我做你的牛啊 又做你的馬 你吃得白胖胖 我骨瘦如柴 做你的貓阿 又做你的狗 你吃得白胖胖 我們骨瘦如柴 我喝我的酒啊 你吃你的鮑魚 沒道理的規矩 誰叫我前進 喝我的酒啊 你吃你的鮑魚 最後我們一定 同歸於盡 上下顛倒是非不分我胡亂秩序 努力向上爭取榮譽我去你個逼 小范 Exhaust myself to serve you like a oxen, and squeeze myself to oblige you like a horse Contributing to your obesity while working my fingers to the bone Exhaust myself to amuse you like a cat, and squeeze myself to please you like a dog Contributing to your obesity while working my fingers to the bone I soothe myself with alcohol, and you treat yourself with abalone dishes Ruthless orders and senseless rules, those I will never heed I soothe myself with alcohol, and you treat yourself with abalone dishes Toward the endgame of it all you will not outlive me Shove it upside down and break the moral codes and then I'll disturb the peace Convince me to do my best and strive for honor but they're all bullshit to me Hsiao-Fan
不良體制 腐爛教育 教你做殺人的機器 不良體制 腐爛教育 數字決定這場遊戲 不良體制 腐爛教育 踩遍屍體出人頭地 衝撞體制 衝撞教育 衝撞騙局 不良體制 腐爛教育 尊師重道守好本分 不良體制 腐爛教育 說得滿口仁義道德 不良體制 腐爛教育 腦袋裝的都是垃圾 衝撞體制 衝撞教育 衝撞騙局 打破 體制 抵抗 教育 衝撞 騙局 不良 教育 不良的教育 用力去反擊 不良體制 腐爛教育 走吧 用力反擊 不良的教育 用力去反擊 Bad institution, corrupt education, washes your brains to become a murderer Bad institution, corrupt education, scores and ratings are the name of the game Bad institution, corrupt education, let the winners tread on the fallen So challenge institution, challenge education, challenge the deceitful system Bad institution, corrupt education, play your part and do your work right Bad institution, corrupt education, alerts you of the ethics but reads you no rights Bad institution, corrupt education, preoccupies people's minds with garbage So challenge institution, challenge education, challenge the deceitful system Undo such institution Resist such education Crush down the fraud And the bad education Bad education Will receive our counterattack Bad institution, corrupt education, let's go, join the counterattack Bad education will receive our counterattack
亂世不平息 輪迴豺狼交替 無權者從未有權 有利者從未放棄 趕巢逼蜂 腳踏螻蟻 高牆用屍體築起 吶喊從未見天明 先破壞 再重建 無妄之人無所謂 Eh Eh Eh Eh 逆襲之火燃燒完全 先破壞 再重建 無妄之人無所謂 Eh Eh Eh Eh 看準時機往死裡打 先破壞 再重建 五四三二一 殘月終將滿盈 意志終將喚醒 北山湖邊溫酒凝心 刁民聚首靜待天意 萬蟲悲鳴 劃破天際 狼煙升起 高舉火炬 赤心燃燒 照亮大地 北山湖 你我共飲 你我 共飲 北 山 湖 你我共飲 揭竿四起 趁現在 北山湖 你我共飲 團結 抵抗 在此刻 先破壞 再重建 The age of turmoil never rests, with karma and punishment taking turns The powerless stays at the bottom while the wealthy never yields a second They ruin the hive and drive away the bees and devastate the ants and worms Piling up the bodies to build a wall, to dampen the scream and to eclipse the daybreak So let's destroy and then rebuild cause sensible men fear no mistakes Eh Eh Burn it all down with our revenge So let's destroy and then rebuild cause sensible men fear no mistakes Eh Eh Seize the best chance and take the best shot So let's destroy and then rebuild in five, four, three, two, one In time the moon will be full again, and in time the morale will break through again Down by the Bei Shan Hu we drink and swear for the quest of us rebels to be revealed Sorrowful sounds of a million insects overwhelm the darkness of the sky above Ignite the smoke signal and raise the torches and let our passion and courage illuminate the gloomy land By the Bei Shan Hu we drink and swear Yes we drink and swear By the Bei Shan Hu we drink and swear And now it's time for us all to revolt By the Bei Shan Hu we drink and swear Solidarity and resistance, it's now or never So let's destroy and then rebuild




released July 7, 2018

Vocal|詹秉諺 Yen
Guitar & Chorus|張皓鈞 Hao Jun
Bass & Chorus|范秉松 Rollz
Drums & Chorus|鄧文昊 Hao

Recording & Mixing Engineer|吳奕宏
Mastering Engineer|Andy Baker @玉成戲院錄音室

Special Contribution|陳秀蓮

Special Thanks|環音專業燈光音響演出工程、荒原錄音室、愁城、叔叔姐姐刺青屋、無我髮廊、所有支持我們的朋友及家人。


all rights reserved



共犯結構 Accomplices Taipei, Taiwan

The street punk band, consisting of four untamed youngsters, was formed in the Greater Taipei Area back in June 2015.

“It can be serious resistance, and it can be carefree messing around. It’s just what we have to do to build the fire of angst and disobedience out of the stone cold desert of vanity and oblivion.”
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